Monday, June 22, 2009

Residency Summary

Sunday, June 21

Faculty Presentation
"Benefit of education is to learn to think for yourself. . . Interrogate your taste to find out who you are". Jan Avgikos

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New Work

Posted are three new paintings completed this semester.  They each reference the subject of place. Line in my work marks the trace of the body in time and space.  Line marks travel from one place to the next, becoming an index for journey. The dense masses of labyrinthine marks in my work function as a mapping structure for place--mapping and tracking interior frontiers, beyond the restrictions of external geographic locations.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

18 November 2008
Welcome to my blog! 
My work this semester has been about "deconstruction".  I have literally taken apart my painting process into basic elements of line, color, and form and worked through a period of distillation, testing, and trying out several processes and directions. Over the past two months, over fifty drawings completed, and a notebook filled with ideas and pictures cut out of varied sources, I feel on the threshold of an emergent body of new work.